Before you begin, make sure you check out the Setup Tutorials.
Depending on your background, you may find these Background Tutorials helpful.
These are the latest Lucid V2 tutorials.
For information on Alchitry V1 boards, see Legacy Boards.
For legacy Lucid tutorials, see Lucid V1.
For legacy Verilog tutorials, see Verilog.
To get an idea of what you can do with an FPGA, see our Example Projects.
Lucid V2 Tutorials
This tutorial will walk you through creating your first project in Alchitry Labs and making the onboard LED light up when you press the
reset button.
In this tutorial you will be introduced to the D flip-flop and how you can use these to make an LED blink.
This tutorial will introduce the Io Element and walk through some basic examples to get your feet wet.
If you don't own an Io Element, you can still follow along using the simulator.
In this tutorial we will use the USB port and create a project that will echo back all the data sent to the Alchitry board.
This will teach you how to use the Component Library in your projects.
In this tutorial we will create a project that will send "Hello World!" over the USB (serial) port when the letter "h" is received.
This will help teach you how to use finite state machines (FSM).
In this tutorial we will be personalizing the greeter so that it first asks for your name and then prints "Hello NAME" where NAME is the name you entered.
To do this we will need some form of memory and in this case we will use a single port RAM.
In this tutorial we are going to set up an interface to the DDR3 memory with the FPGA on the Alchitry Au/Au+.