Serial Peripheral Interface, or SPI, is a very common communication protocol used for two-way communication between two devices. A standard SPI bus consists of 4 signals, Master Out Slave In (MOSI), Master In Slave Out (MISO), the clock (SCK), and Slave Select (SS). Unlike an asynchronous serial interface, SPI is not symmetric. An SPI bus has one master and one or more slaves. The master can talk to any slave on the bus, but each slave can only talk to the master. Each slave on the bus must have it's own unique slave select signal. The master uses the slave select signals to select which slave it will be talking to. Since SPI also includes a clock signal, both devices don't need to agree on a data rate before hand. The only requirement is that the clock is lower than the maximum frequency for all devices involved.
Example SPI Transfer
When the master of the SPI bus wants to initiate a transfer, it must first pull the SS signal low for the slave it wants to communicate with. Once the SS signal is low, that slave will be listening on the bus. The master is then free to start sending data.
There are 4 different SPI bus standards that all have to do with the SCK signal. The 4 modes are broken down into two parameters, CPOL and CPHA. CPOL stands for Clock POLarity and designates the default value (high/low) of the SCK signal when the bus is idle. CPHA stands for Clock PHAse and determines which edge of the clock data is sampled (rising/falling). The data sheet for any device will specify these parameters so you can adjust accordingly. The most common settings are CPOL=0 (idle low) and CPHA=0 (sample rising edge).
Here is an example transfer with CPOL=0 and CPHA=0.
The bits in a SPI transmission are sent LSB first.
Any SPI transmission is controlled solely by the master. The master generates the clock and controls the slave select signal(s). This means that the slave has no way of sending data to the master on its own!
Each SPI transfer is full-duplex, meaning that data is sent from the master to the slave and from the slave to the master at the same time. There is no way for a slave to opt-out of sending data when the master makes a transfer, however, devices will send dummy bytes (usually all 1's or all 0's) when communication should be one way. If the master is reading data in for a slave, the slave will know to ignore the data being sent by the master.
Devices that use SPI typically will send/receive multiple bytes each time the SS signal goes low. This way the SS signal acts as a way to frame a transmission. For example, if you had a flash memory that had an SPI bus and you want to read some data, the SS signal would go low, the master would send the command to read memory at a certain address, and as long as the master kept SS low and toggling SCK the flash memory would keep sending out data. Once SS returned high the flash memory knows to end the read command.
Since the MISO signal can be connected to multiple devices, each device will only drive the line when its SS signal is low. This is shown by the grey area.
SPI Slave
In the Mojo Base Project, the file spi_slave.v contains the SPI module used to interface with the AVR. The AVR, in this case, is the master and the FPGA is the slave. The reason the AVR is the master is because the SPI bus is used to transfer data from the analog pins. Since the FPGA has no way of knowing when the data would be available, the FPGA would have to keep asking the AVR if it had any data. By making the AVR the master, it allows it to send the data right when it's ready.
module spi_slave(
input clk,
input rst,
input ss,
input mosi,
output miso,
input sck,
output done,
input [7:0] din,
output [7:0] dout
reg mosi_d, mosi_q;
reg ss_d, ss_q;
reg sck_d, sck_q;
reg sck_old_d, sck_old_q;
reg [7:0] data_d, data_q;
reg done_d, done_q;
reg [2:0] bit_ct_d, bit_ct_q;
reg [7:0] dout_d, dout_q;
reg miso_d, miso_q;
assign miso = miso_q;
assign done = done_q;
assign dout = dout_q;
always @(*) begin
ss_d = ss;
mosi_d = mosi;
miso_d = miso_q;
sck_d = sck;
sck_old_d = sck_q;
data_d = data_q;
done_d = 1'b0;
bit_ct_d = bit_ct_q;
dout_d = dout_q;
if (ss_q) begin // if slave select is high (deselcted)
bit_ct_d = 3'b0; // reset bit counter
data_d = din; // read in data
miso_d = data_q[7]; // output MSB
end else begin // else slave select is low (selected)
if (!sck_old_q && sck_q) begin // rising edge
data_d = {data_q[6:0], mosi_q}; // read data in and shift
bit_ct_d = bit_ct_q + 1'b1; // increment the bit counter
if (bit_ct_q == 3'b111) begin // if we are on the last bit
dout_d = {data_q[6:0], mosi_q}; // output the byte
done_d = 1'b1; // set transfer done flag
data_d = din; // read in new byte
end else if (sck_old_q && !sck_q) begin // falling edge
miso_d = data_q[7]; // output MSB
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
done_q <= 1'b0;
bit_ct_q <= 3'b0;
dout_q <= 8'b0;
miso_q <= 1'b1;
end else begin
done_q <= done_d;
bit_ct_q <= bit_ct_d;
dout_q <= dout_d;
miso_q <= miso_d;
sck_q <= sck_d;
mosi_q <= mosi_d;
ss_q <= ss_d;
data_q <= data_d;
sck_old_q <= sck_old_d;
This is module assumes CPOL = 0 and CPHA = 0.
It waits for SS to go low. Once SS is low, it starts shifting data into the data_d/_q register. Once eight bits have been shifted in it signals that it has new data on dout. On the falling edges of the clock, it shifts out the data that was provided by din at the beginning of the transmission.
SPI Master
Our Clock/Visualizer Shield, uses a Real-Time Clock (RTC) device that provides the Mojo with the current time. The RTC is connected to the Mojo through an SPI bus. In this case, the FPGA on the Mojo is the master and the RTC is the slave.
module spi #(parameter CLK_DIV = 2)(
input clk,
input rst,
input miso,
output mosi,
output sck,
input start,
input[7:0] data_in,
output[7:0] data_out,
output busy,
output new_data
localparam STATE_SIZE = 2;
localparam IDLE = 2'd0,
WAIT_HALF = 2'd1,
TRANSFER = 2'd2;
reg [STATE_SIZE-1:0] state_d, state_q;
reg [7:0] data_d, data_q;
reg [CLK_DIV-1:0] sck_d, sck_q;
reg mosi_d, mosi_q;
reg [2:0] ctr_d, ctr_q;
reg new_data_d, new_data_q;
reg [7:0] data_out_d, data_out_q;
assign mosi = mosi_q;
assign sck = (~sck_q[CLK_DIV-1]) & (state_q == TRANSFER);
assign busy = state_q != IDLE;
assign data_out = data_out_q;
assign new_data = new_data_q;
always @(*) begin
sck_d = sck_q;
data_d = data_q;
mosi_d = mosi_q;
ctr_d = ctr_q;
new_data_d = 1'b0;
data_out_d = data_out_q;
state_d = state_q;
case (state_q)
IDLE: begin
sck_d = 4'b0; // reset clock counter
ctr_d = 3'b0; // reset bit counter
if (start == 1'b1) begin // if start command
data_d = data_in; // copy data to send
state_d = WAIT_HALF; // change state
WAIT_HALF: begin
sck_d = sck_q + 1'b1; // increment clock counter
if (sck_q == {CLK_DIV-1{1'b1}}) begin // if clock is half full (about to fall)
sck_d = 1'b0; // reset to 0
state_d = TRANSFER; // change state
sck_d = sck_q + 1'b1; // increment clock counter
if (sck_q == 4'b0000) begin // if clock counter is 0
mosi_d = data_q[7]; // output the MSB of data
end else if (sck_q == {CLK_DIV-1{1'b1}}) begin // else if it's half full (about to fall)
data_d = {data_q[6:0], miso}; // read in data (shift in)
end else if (sck_q == {CLK_DIV{1'b1}}) begin // else if it's full (about to rise)
ctr_d = ctr_q + 1'b1; // increment bit counter
if (ctr_q == 3'b111) begin // if we are on the last bit
state_d = IDLE; // change state
data_out_d = data_q; // output data
new_data_d = 1'b1; // signal data is valid
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (rst) begin
ctr_q <= 3'b0;
data_q <= 8'b0;
sck_q <= 4'b0;
mosi_q <= 1'b0;
state_q <= IDLE;
data_out_q <= 8'b0;
new_data_q <= 1'b0;
end else begin
ctr_q <= ctr_d;
data_q <= data_d;
sck_q <= sck_d;
mosi_q <= mosi_d;
state_q <= state_d;
data_out_q <= data_out_d;
new_data_q <= new_data_d;
In this case CPOL = 0 and CPHA = 1.
The overall idea is the same, however, the FPGA now needs to generate the SCK signal. The parameter CLK_DIV is used to specify how much the FPGA's clock should be divided. The default value is 2, which means that the frequency of SCK will be 1/4th (2^2 = 4 clock cycles) of that of the FPGA. If CLK_DIV was set to 3, SCK would be 1/8th (2^3 = 8 clock cycles) the frequency of the FPGA's clock.