This page is a reference for Alchitry Constraints V2.

Alchitry Constraints File Contents

An Alchitry Constraints File (.acf extension) contains a list of pin constraints.


Comments take the same form as in Lucid.

Use // for a single line comment and /* */ for a multi-line comment.

Pin Constraints

The main purpose of a pin constraint is to tell the tools which physical pin on the FPGA corresponds to a port of your design's top-level module.

A pin constraint takes the following form.


Here, port_name corresponds to a port of your top-level module. If the port is an array, then it should also include array selectors to select only a single bit.

The PIN_NAME is the name of the physical pin to connect to port_name. This name is the Alchitry pin name and not the pin name of the FPGA. See the pinout section for the various pin names.

Finally, the OPTIONAL_ATTRIBUTE_LIST is a list of attributes that apply to only this pin.

Attribute Block

Specifying attributes for every single pin constraint would often become very tedious as many pins will share the same attribute values. This is where attribute blocks come into play. They take a very similar form to the connection blocks in Lucid.


The ATTRIBUTES_LIST is a comma-seperated list of attributes.

The attributes in the list are applied to every pin constraint inside the brackets.

Attribute blocks can also be nested to allow for fine-grained assignments.

For example, the Hd constraints uses two STANDARD blocks along with a single PINOUT block.

    STANDARD(LVCMOS33) { // standard 3.3V IO standard
        pin hdmi_sda_1 A70
        pin hdmi_scl_1 A72
        pin hdmi_cec_1 A76
        pin hdmi_hp_1 A78

        pin hdmi_sda_2 A69
        pin hdmi_scl_2 A71
        pin hdmi_cec_2 A75
        pin hdmi_hp_2 A77

    STANDARD(TMDS_33) { // HDMI IO standard
        pin hdmi_clk_1_p A48
        pin hdmi_clk_1_n A46
        pin hdmi_data_1_p[0] A54
        pin hdmi_data_1_n[0] A52
        pin hdmi_data_1_p[1] A60
        pin hdmi_data_1_n[1] A58
        pin hdmi_data_1_p[2] A66
        pin hdmi_data_1_n[2] A64

        pin hdmi_clk_2_p A47
        pin hdmi_clk_2_n A45
        pin hdmi_data_2_p[0] A53
        pin hdmi_data_2_n[0] A51
        pin hdmi_data_2_p[1] A59
        pin hdmi_data_2_n[1] A57
        pin hdmi_data_2_p[2] A65
        pin hdmi_data_2_n[2] A63


An attribute takes the following form.


This assigns the value, attribute_value, to the attribute named ATTRIBUTE_NAME.

There are a handful of different attributes currently supported.


This attribute is either V2, V1, or not specified.

When it is specified, it says that the pinout used for that pin should use that version's pin mapping.

When it isn't specified, the project's board's version is used. For example, an Au V1 will use V1.

Most of the time, if specified, it should match the board's version. However, if a V1 pinout is specified when using a V2 board, then the tools assume you are using a V2->V1 adapter. In this case, the tools will translate the pinout to the adapter's pinout.

If a V2 version is used with a V1 board an error is thrown.


This specifies the IO standard to apply to the pin.

Most of the time, it will be set to LVCMOS33. This is the basic 3.3V IO standard. It is also the only standard supported by the Cu.

The Au and Pt both support the same IO standards. There are too many standards to list here, but page 98 of UG471 has a nice table summarizing the requirements for each standard.

Each IO standard has various requirements that must be met in order for it to be used. The biggest one is the Vcco voltage. All the pins on the Cu and most of the Au and Pt have Vcco fixed at 3.3V.

The Au and Pt have one group of pins that can have Vcco switched between 3.3V, 2.5V, and 1.8V. This drastically opens up the IO standards available on these pins.

For example, by setting Vcco to 2.5V, the tri-voltage pins can be used as LVDS_25 outputs or enable termination when used as inputs. Any pins on the Au/Pt can be used as LVDS_25 inputs as long as they don't use internal termination.

The other common requirement is the Vref voltage. Many standards don't require a specific Vref and for the ones that do, an internal reference can typically be used. However, only one Vref can be set for a bank of pins. Here, bank refers not to the connector's bank but rather the FPGA's internal bank.

In the Au's schematic, the bank number is the first number of the FPGA's IO signal names. On page 2, you can see the header's pinout as well as the associated pin banks for each signal. The banks are numbers like 14, 34, and 35.

All the IO standards used in a bank must have at most one Vref requirement.


This attribute marks the pin as a clock input with the given frequency.

The frequency value takes the form of a number followed by a frequency unit. The unit can be Hz, KHz, MHz, or GHz. For example, 100MHz.

Clock inputs should also be typically placed on a clock capable input pin. Xilinx (for the Au/Pt) calls these MRCC or SRCC pins. Lattice (for the Cu) calls these GBIN. You can look at each board's schematic to see what pins are clock capable inputs.

For V2 boards, pins A41, A42, A47, A48, B41, B42, and B47 are clock capable inputs.

The Au also includes B48.

The Pt also includes B24, B29, B30, B48, C41, C42, C47, C48, D41, D42, D47, and D48.


This attribute is used to enable a pin's pull-up or pull-down resistors.

For the Cu, UP is the only valid value.

For the Au/Pt, UP, DOWN, or KEEP are valid values.

UP enables a weak pull-up. DOWN enables a weak pull-down. KEEP enables a weak pull to the same value the pin currently is (0 -> pull-down, 1 -> pull-up).


The attribute specifies the drive strength of the pin in mA.

It is not supported by the Cu.

It is only valid when paired with specific IO standards. For the valid values of each standard, see table 1-56 on page 101 of UG471.

For LVCMOS33 on the Au/Pt, these are 4, 8, 12, or 16.

This number specifies the drive strength in mA and defaults to 12.


This attribute specifies the slew rate of the pin and is only supported by the Au/Pt, not the Cu.

The slew rate is how fast the edge transitions.

It is only valid when paired with specific IO standards. For the valid values of each standard, see table 1-56 on page 101 of UG471.

For standards that support a slew rate, the valid values are FAST or SLOW with SLOW being the default.

Using a FAST slew rate may help with high speed signals but may also cause more power consumption and noise if not used carefully.


The available pins vary depending on your board, but they follow a standard format.

The pins broken out on the connectors are named by the bank letter followed by the pin number. For example, pin 2 on bank A is A2.

The V2 boards have two banks on top, A and B. The Pt has two more on the bottom, C and D.

The V1 boards have four banks, A, B, C, and D on top.

Check the schmatic for the Cu V1, Au V1, Cu V2 or Au V2 for what pins are populated on the connectors.

In addition to the pins on the connectors, there are some special internal pin names.

All boards have the pins LED0-LED7, RESET, CLOCK, USB_RX, and USB_TX.

The Cu (V1 and V2) also have SPI_MOSI, SPI_MISO, SPI_SCK, and SPI_SS that connect to the configuration flash.

The Au (V1, V1+, and V2) and Pt also have SPI_D0-SPI_D3, SPI_SCK, and SPI_SS that connect to the configuration flash. There is also VP and VN which are special analog inputs.

Finally, there are DDR_DQ0-DDR_DQ15, DDR_DQS0_P, DDR_DQS0_N, DDR_DQS1_P, DDR_DQS1_N, DDR_DM0, DDR_DM1, DDR_ODT, DDR_RESET, DDR_BA0-DDR_BA2, DDR_CK_P, DDR_CK_N, DDR_CKE, DDR_CS, DDR_RAS, DDR_CAS, DDR_WE, DDR_A0-DDR_A13 for interfacing with the DDR3. You generally shouldn't specify these directly as the MIG core does it for you.